Sunday, May 3, 2009

Do not mind the appearance

However I tried doing something on my own instead of enlisting in the help of Dawn.

Good luck/bad luck

What is luck and where does it come from?
Why am I discussing luck?
Well I just deleted one of those "don't you dare delete this or you will have a lifetime of bad luck starting tomorrow morning" emails.
Do you guys believe in luck?
I would love to be able to do a survey but I am not that talented in the blogging world so instead of answering a survey answer in a comment.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Well a bit of a waste of time and gas

So this morning my plans included going to the bank to withdraw money for the party at Little Bear Gym that will be taking place on June 13Th (be prepared Julie and guys are invited with the kids) and sure enough I drive all the way to Little Bear Gym to see a sign stating they are closed for vacation May 2-9. Hello was this a spur of the moment thing? Only reason I ask is because when I booked it last week and told them I would be down on the 2ND to pay the deposit he did not say anything about being closed. Oh well I will bring it down when they are open again...I just hope they do not give the spot away b/c it is not mine until the deposit it there it is only written in pencil. Keep fingers crossed!

Friday, May 1, 2009

No pull ups

So tonight will be an attempt to break Catherine from her pull ups. I am having her go to the bathroom every few hours during the day (or else she will hold it and therefore pee while sleeping) and cutting off liquids 2 hours before bedtime and waking her before I go to bed. I have 10 nights before going back to work. Wish us luck!